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==Regional and Local Background==
==Regional and Local Background==
Section keywords: location, population, climate, economic activities, river extension, main characteristics, ecology, importance, navigability
'''Section keywords:''' location, population, climate, economic activities, river extension, main characteristics, ecology, importance, navigability
Related documents: PBOT de Puerto Berrío, Plan de Desarrollo 2008-2011
'''Related documents:''' PBOT de Puerto Berrío, Plan de Desarrollo 2008-2011, Información Básica Municipio de Puerto Berrío (Gobernación de Antioquia)
The municipality of Puerto Berrío is located in Colombia, in the department of Antioquia. It is found on a flood plain, that belongs to the Middle Magdalena region, called this way because of the presence of the Magdalena River, the main river of the country.  A total of six municipalities of the department of Antioquia are part of this region, and four of them are located on the riverside, including Puerto Berrío, at an elevation above sea level of 125 m. Puerto Berrío was founded in 1.875 and nowadays has an extension of 1.184 Km2 and a population of 48.802 inhabitants (2008). The municipality is of great importance thanks to the harbor at the Magdalena River, which connects the center of the country with the rest of the world. The Magdalena River has length of 1.550 km and crosses the country from south to north, flowing into the Caribbean Sea, constituting the main navigable artery of the country. The economic activities of Puerto Berrío are mainly the commerce, cattle farming and agricultural crops such as lemon and manioc. (Plan de Desarrollo Puerto Berrío 2008-2011)
The weather in the territory is warm and influenced by the presence of the river, with a mean annual temperature of 28,4ºC, being the first months of the year the warmest and the last the coldest, with a maximum of 30,5ºC and a minimum of 26,2ºC. The precipitation has a bimodal distribution, i.e. there are two rainy seasons in the year, namely in April and September, being December and January the driest months. The annual mean precipitation is 2.399,3 mm. Puerto Berrío has a very humid climate, whit relative humidity that ranges from 66% in February to 90% in July, resulting in a mean annual value of 79,8%.  This high humidity is a consequence of the also high evaporation in the territory, which at the same time depends on the wind velocity, not higher than 3 Km/h, the temperature and the solar radiation. For Puerto Berrío, the mean annual evaporation is 1.414,5 mm (PBOT Puerto Berrìo, 2000)
==Institutional framework==
==Institutional framework==

Revisión del 16:45 5 jun 2008

Regional and Local Background

Section keywords: location, population, climate, economic activities, river extension, main characteristics, ecology, importance, navigability

Related documents: PBOT de Puerto Berrío, Plan de Desarrollo 2008-2011, Información Básica Municipio de Puerto Berrío (Gobernación de Antioquia)

The municipality of Puerto Berrío is located in Colombia, in the department of Antioquia. It is found on a flood plain, that belongs to the Middle Magdalena region, called this way because of the presence of the Magdalena River, the main river of the country. A total of six municipalities of the department of Antioquia are part of this region, and four of them are located on the riverside, including Puerto Berrío, at an elevation above sea level of 125 m. Puerto Berrío was founded in 1.875 and nowadays has an extension of 1.184 Km2 and a population of 48.802 inhabitants (2008). The municipality is of great importance thanks to the harbor at the Magdalena River, which connects the center of the country with the rest of the world. The Magdalena River has length of 1.550 km and crosses the country from south to north, flowing into the Caribbean Sea, constituting the main navigable artery of the country. The economic activities of Puerto Berrío are mainly the commerce, cattle farming and agricultural crops such as lemon and manioc. (Plan de Desarrollo Puerto Berrío 2008-2011)

The weather in the territory is warm and influenced by the presence of the river, with a mean annual temperature of 28,4ºC, being the first months of the year the warmest and the last the coldest, with a maximum of 30,5ºC and a minimum of 26,2ºC. The precipitation has a bimodal distribution, i.e. there are two rainy seasons in the year, namely in April and September, being December and January the driest months. The annual mean precipitation is 2.399,3 mm. Puerto Berrío has a very humid climate, whit relative humidity that ranges from 66% in February to 90% in July, resulting in a mean annual value of 79,8%. This high humidity is a consequence of the also high evaporation in the territory, which at the same time depends on the wind velocity, not higher than 3 Km/h, the temperature and the solar radiation. For Puerto Berrío, the mean annual evaporation is 1.414,5 mm (PBOT Puerto Berrìo, 2000)

Institutional framework

Section keywords: Cormagdalena, Corantioquia, Aguas del Puerto S.A., Conhydra, Oficina de Planeación, ISAGEN, IDEA, IDEAM, Inst. Geográfico Agustín Codazzi, MAVDT, Departamentos de Ing. Ambiental diversas universidades.

Legal framework on water quality

Section keywords: ley 99 de 1993, decreto 1594 de 1984, decreto 3100 de 2003, water quality standards.