Diferencia entre revisiones de «Chapter 2. Water Quality System of Puerto Berrío»

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Section keywords: water withdrawal, drinking water treatment plant, raw water supply (informal), sand and other material extraction, recreation, fishing, navigation, public health.
Section keywords: water withdrawal, drinking water treatment plant, raw water supply (informal), sand and other material extraction, recreation, fishing, navigation, public health.
[[Categoría:Bibliografía]] [[Categoría:POEM]] [[Categoría:DENARIO]]

Revisión del 10:31 6 jun 2008

Wastewater management in Puerto Berrío

Section keywords: water supply, sewage system, coverage, wastewater treatment plants, DENARIO

Related documents: PBOT de Puerto Berrío, Plan de Desarrollo de Puerto Berrío 2008-2011, Plan Maestro de Saneamiento de Puerto Berrío.

Expected product: flow diagrams for three different scenarios

Identification of point sources

Section keywords: Treated wastewater, untreated waste water, location, distances, amount.

Related documents: Plan de Vertimientos de Puerto Berrío, PBOT Puerto Berrío.

Expected product: Map or aereal photograph with the river stretch delimitation and the identification of the wastewater discharge point sources.

Description of the receiving water body

Section keywords: river stretch, flow discharge, water quality, seasonal variations, POEM

Clasification of the river stretch according to existing water quality data

Section keywords: physical and chemical water quality parameters, monitoring, measurements, updated data.

Expected product: Map with the classified river stretch

Related documents: Leitfaden zur typspezifischen Bewertung der allgemeinen chemisch/physikalischen Parameter in Fließgewässern [Lebensministerium Österreich, 2005], Gewässergütekarte Baden-Württemberg [Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg, 1998]; Gütebericht 2002: Entwicklung der Fließgewässerbeschaffenheit in Baden-Württemberg - chemisch-biologisch-morphologisch - [Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg, 2002]; Gütezustand der Fließgewässer Neckar-Einzugsgebiet [Gewässerdirektion Neckar, Besigheim,2005], Nueva medición de la calidad de agua en los rios Magdalena, y Cauca [IDEAM, Cormagdalena y ONF Andina, 2007], Datos de programa de monitoreo de ISAGEN.

Interrelation community-river

Section keywords: water withdrawal, drinking water treatment plant, raw water supply (informal), sand and other material extraction, recreation, fishing, navigation, public health.