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'''Melisa Estrada Uribe. 2008.''' '''Stream water quality modeling: assessing the effects of waste water discharge in Puerto Berrío, Colombia'''. Master Thesis Proposal presented by Melisa Estrada
'''Melisa Estrada Uribe. 2008.''' '''Stream water quality modeling: assessing the effects of waste water discharge in Puerto Berrío, Colombia'''.  
Matrikelnummer 1276680 to the Faculty of Civil Engineering,  Geo- and Environmental Sciences, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Resources Engineering Study Programme Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany. April 2008. First supervisor:  Prof. Erhard Hoffmann, IWG/SWW, Second supervisor:  Prof. Hermann Hahn, IWG/SWW
Master Thesis presented by Melisa Estrada to the Faculty of Civil Engineering,  Geo- and Environmental Sciences. Resources Engineering Study Programme, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany. April 2008.  
River water quality modeling is a useful tool in the description and prediction of changes in the characteristics of a river system. It is commonly used for forecasting changes in the water quality parameters caused by the discharge of point or non point sources. The present document presents a project proposal for the modeling of a branch of the Magdalena River in Colombia in order to assess the effects on the stream water quality caused by the wastewater discharged by the city of Puerto Berrío. The idea of the project arose with the need for proposing a water pollution control strategy for the city, due to the changes in the river flow, that lead to a reduction in the flow available for the dilution of the discharged wastewater. Modeling the stream shall provide useful information for decision-making regarding the most adequate water pollution control strategy. The first part of the document focuses on the definition of goal and objectives of the project, followed by the description of the proposed methodology, including a brief introduction to the different tools to be used. Finally, a work plan and a timetable present the different activities to be carried out for the achievement of the project and their respective deadlines.  
First supervisor:  Prof. Erhard Hoffmann, IWG/SWW
Second supervisor:  Prof. Hermann Hahn, IWG/SWW.
==Thesis statement==
The goal of the project will be the assessment of the effects on the water quality along a branch{{ref|brazo}} of the Magdalena River caused by several wastewater discharges of the city of Puerto Berrío, Colombia. The results obtained by modeling the arm water quality shall serve as a tool for water resources management and be useful in evaluating water pollution control strategies for the city of Puerto Berrío.
Details on the [[Master Thesis Proposal|Master Thesis Proposal]]
===General objective===
Assessment of the effects on the water quality of a branch of the Magdalena River caused by wastewater discharge of the city of Puerto Berrío, Colombia.
===Specific objectives===
*Literature review
*Study of the assessment unit and the city wastewater management including collection of primary and secondary data
*Application, calibration and validation of a stream water quality model 
*Comparison of different scenarios
*Analysis and discussion of results
The project will be developed in two general phases, each one of them including several steps and the use of different tools. The first phase will be the data collection followed by the second phase consisting of the data processing and analysis for obtaining results.
===Data collection===
Literature review: background, legislation, river modeling case studies, [[QUAL2K]] model’s user’s manual, other related works.
Secondary data collection: existing data of water quality monitoring and wastewater characterization [[Aguas del Puerto. 2007.|Aguas del Puerto, 2007]], hydrological, meteorological, and geographical data.
Puerto Berrío is one of the municipalities in Colombia, located at the riverside of the Magdalena River and just as in many others, the wastewater produced there is discharged untreated into the river, entailing some negative consequences for the environment and the population. By means of water quality modeling, complemented with a water quality index analysis, the assessment of the effects on the water quality of the receiving water body was performed. Each one of the analysis tools used provided information about different aspects: the oxygen balance, the pollutants plume distribution and the influence on water quality of other pollutants. These analyses were performed for three different scenarios reflecting the changes in river flow, water level and water quality depending on the time of the year, in order to see the influence of seasonal variations. As a general result it can be said that for the case of Puerto Berrío there is no season where the conditions care for a wastewater discharge completely free of adverse effects, since either the flow or the water quality of the season does not favor the assimilation capacity of the water body.
Primary data collection: field survey, water sampling and analysis performed either on site or by a water analysis laboratory. For the collection of primary data, the handbook ''Sampling for Waste Load Allocation Applications'' [[Mills et al., 1986]], can be used as a guide. It contains sampling guidelines for the model [[QUAL2E]], which is just an older version of the QUAL2K, but still very similar to the latter.
====Related institutions====
* Fundación Neotrópicos (Ecological NGO)
*Aguas del Puerto S.A. E.S.P (City Public Utilities Supply Company)
*Cormagdalena (Autonomous Environmental Authority)
*Corantioquia (Autonomous Environmental Authority)
*IDEAM (Institute for Environmental, Meteorological and Hydrological Studies)
*Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (Geographic Institute)
*DANE (Statistics National Department)
=== Data processing===
Puerto Berrío es uno de los municipios de Colombia situados en la zona ribereña del río Magdalena, y al igual que en muchos otros, la descarga de aguas residuales se realiza directamente al río sin ser sometidas a ningún tratamiento previo y con consecuencias negativas tanto para el medio ambiente como para la población. Por medio de la modelación matemática, complementada con el análisis del índice de calidad del agua, se realizó la estimación de estos efectos. Cada una de las herramientas empleadas arrojó resultados relacionados con diferentes aspectos: el balance de oxígeno, la distribución de la pluma del contaminante y la influencia de otros contaminantes sobre la calidad del agua. Los análisis se realizaron para tres escenarios diferentes, con los cuales se buscó reflejar los efectos de las variaciones de caudal y calidad del cuerpo receptor durante el año. Como resultado general se puede decir que ninguna de los escenarios estudiados presenta las condiciones para que la descarga de aguas residuales se realice sin generar ningún efecto negativo, puesto que bien sea el caudal o la calidad del agua del cuerpo receptor desfavorecen su capacidad de asimilación.
====River and Stream Water Quality Model QUAL2K====
The initially suggested method used for the project development is the [http://www.epa.gov/athens/wwqtsc/html/qual2k.html EPA’s QUAL2K river and stream water quality model]. This is a [[Modelo monodimensional|one-dimensional]], [[steady state model]], whose features are the simulation of [[Oxígeno disuelto|dissolved oxygen]] and [[DBO|oxygen demand]], [[Nutrientes|nutrients]], [[???|tracer]], [[Dinámica de poblaciones de algas|algal dynamics]], [[Bacterias|bacteria]], [[pH]] and [[Alcalinidad|alkalinity]].  
The main input data for running the model are (see also Annex B and C): 
*[[Reach]] identification and river mile/kilometer data
*Computational elements [[flag field data]]
*Hydraulic data
*[[Dbo|Biochemical oxygen demand]] and dissolved oxygen rate constants
*Initial conditions
*Incremental inflow
*[[Headwater]] sources
*[[Point source]] or withdrawal
Detailed information about the model is found in the QUAL2K User’s Manual and Documentation [[Chapra et al., 2007]].
==Thesis Table of contents==
The possibility of using a two-dimensional, hydrodynamic model such as the CE-QUAL-W2 is not ruled out. Once the available information is known, an assessment of the most adequate model will be done.
#[[Chapter 1. Background|Background]]
##Regional and local background
##Institutional framework
##Legal framework on water quality
#[[Chapter 2. Water Quality System of Puerto Berrío|Water Quality System of Puerto Berrío]]
##Drinking water and wastewater management
###Drinking water supply system
###Sewer system
###Wastewater treatment plants
###Wastewater discharges
##Description of the receiving water body
###The Magdalena River Basin
###Water quality of the Magdalena River
###Longitudinal and seasonal variations in the Magdalena River
##River stretch characteristics
##River related activities in Puerto Berrío
#[[Chapter 3. Estimation of local effects of wastewater discharge|Estimation of local effects of wastewater discharge]]
##Problem identification
##Stream Water Quality Modeling
###Theory on stream water quality modeling
###Water quality modeling in the Magdalena River
###Water Quality Modeling Computer Aided Learning: WQM CAL
###Modeling the branch
##Water Quality Index
#[[Chapter 4. Results and discussion|Results and discussion]]
##BOD-DO model
##Transversal mixing model
##Water Quality Index
##High water season Vs. Low water season
##Possible improvements of the situation
###Wastewater treatment plant Lagunas
###Pipe extension: relocation of pipe outlet
====Geographic Information Systems (GIS)====
For the analysis of the assessment unit, i.e. the Magdalena river segment, Geographic Information Systems such as aerial photographs, maps and map digitisation will be considered. These tools can also be useful for the graphical display of results.  [IPF, 2006]
====Principal Component Analysis (PCA)====
[[Categoría:Bibliografía]] [[Categoría:POEM]] [[Categoría:DENARIO]] [[Categoría:Tesis Melisa Estrada U.]]
For the first calibration of the model, already existing data provided by Aguas del Puerto to Neotrópicos will be used, but there is also the need for calibration and validation with updated data. For the selection of the parameters to be analysed and updated, the [[ACP|Principal Component Analysis (PCA)]] method is suggested. PCA is a useful statistical technique used to reduce multidimensional data sets to lower dimensions for analysis [Smith, 2002]
====Leopold Matrix====
The Leopold Matrix is a qualitative environmental impact assessment method, used to identify the potential impacts of an activity [Larry W. Canter]. It consists of the evaluation of the type (adverse of beneficial), magnitude and importance of the impacts caused by the activity. For the present study, this method can be useful in the comparison of scenarios, e.g. comparison of present scenario with a) futures scenario if no measures are undertaken and b) future scenario after implementation of a water pollution control strategy. The present and future scenarios can be obtained through the modeling process. [This ought to be changed  to ''causal relationship analysis'']
== Implications of the research==
By means of already existing and new data it is expected to realise the calibration and validation of the water quality model QUAL2K, establishing the current effects produced by the wastewater discharges of the city of Puerto Berrío into the branch of the Magdalena River serving as receiving water body. The calibrated and validated model shall be useful for the prediction of changes in the stream water quality under various seasonal and other future circumstances such as increase or reduction in the available dilution flow, or variation in the wastewater characteristics. The model can also be applied to determine the [[total maximum daily loads (TMDL)]] according to the water quality standards, becoming a base for defining water pollution control strategies, i.e. the model will be an important tool in decision making in the city and the region.
The project implicates time investment and has high data requirements, not only in the amount but also and specially in the reliability. For future applications or replications of the model, new data will be necessary, which means that there should be cooperation between the institutions responsible for water resources and wastewater management in Puerto Berrío and in the region.
*Aguas del Puerto S.A. E.S.P. Plan Maestro de Vertimientos y Saneamiento Básico 2006-2026. Puerto Berrío, 2003.
*Canter, Larry. Environmental Impact Assessment. McGraw Hill, New York, 1996.
*Chapra, S.C., Pelletier, G.J. and Tao, H. 2007. QUAL2K: A Modeling Framework for Simulating River and Stream Water Quality, Version 2.07: Documentation and Users Manual. Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept., Tufts University, Medford, MA.
*Deisler,  Flávio. Entwicklung eines Modells zur Abschätzung des aus Einleitungen resultierenden Schadstoffhaushaltes in Fließgewässern. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Universität Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe, Dezember 2004. 
*Fundación Neotrópicos, Boada Sáenz Ingenieros. EIA + PMA encauzamiento del río Magdalena tramo Puerto Berrío – Barrancabermeja Informe final / I. Medellín, 2007. 
*Istitut für Photogrametrie und Fernerkundung. Script to the Lecture GIS and Remote Sensing. Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, 2006.
*Mills, William, Bowie, George. Grieb, Thomas, Johnson, Kay. Handbook Stream Sampling for Waste *Load Allocation Applications. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, 1986. Available at: www.epa.gov/waterscience/models/library/streamsampling.pdf
*Rinaldi, S., Soncini-Sessa, R., Stehfest H., Tamura, H. Modeling and Control of River Quality, McGraw Hill Series in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. Great Britain, 1979.
*Rounds, Stewart, Wood, Tamara, Lynch Dennis. Modeling Discharge, Temperature, and Water Quality in the Tualatin River, Oregon. Water United States Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2465-B. Reston, Virginia, 1999.
*Smith, Lindsay. A tutorial on Principal Components Analysis. 2002. Available at: www.cs.otago.ac.nz/cosc453/student_tutorials/principal_components.pdf
#{{notas|brazo}}. The arm or branch is formed by the emergence of an elongated island in front of the city.
==Annex A==
Thesis Provisional Table of contents
#2. Background
## Wastewater and water resources management in Puerto Berrío
## Institutional Framework
## Legal Framework and water quality standards
# Assessing effects of wastewater discharge in Puerto Berrío
## River and Stream Water Quality Model QUAL2K
## System Segmentation and location of Pollution Sources
## Model Data Requirements
### Headwater data
### Reach data
### Meteorological data
### Water column data
### Light and heat input
### Point and diffuse sources and withdrawals data
### Hydraulics, temperature and water quality data
### Diel data
## Model Calibration
## Model Validation
## Generation of Future Scenarios by means of QUAL2K
## Results
## Comparison of Scenarios by means of QUAL2K
## Comparison of Scenarios by means of <s>Leopold Matrix</s> [[Análisis de causalidad|Causal diagram analysis]]
==Annex B==
Segmentation schemes (Chapra et al., 2007)
River with no tributaries
Further subdivision into a series of n equal-length elements
==Annex C==
Data Requirements for QUAL2K (Chapra and Pellitier, 2004)
[[Categoría:Bibliografía]] [[Categoría:POEM]] [[Categoría:DENARIO]]

Revisión actual del 18:08 19 ago 2008

Melisa Estrada Uribe. 2008. Stream water quality modeling: assessing the effects of waste water discharge in Puerto Berrío, Colombia.

Master Thesis presented by Melisa Estrada to the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geo- and Environmental Sciences. Resources Engineering Study Programme, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany. April 2008. First supervisor: Prof. Erhard Hoffmann, IWG/SWW Second supervisor: Prof. Hermann Hahn, IWG/SWW.

Details on the Master Thesis Proposal


Puerto Berrío is one of the municipalities in Colombia, located at the riverside of the Magdalena River and just as in many others, the wastewater produced there is discharged untreated into the river, entailing some negative consequences for the environment and the population. By means of water quality modeling, complemented with a water quality index analysis, the assessment of the effects on the water quality of the receiving water body was performed. Each one of the analysis tools used provided information about different aspects: the oxygen balance, the pollutants plume distribution and the influence on water quality of other pollutants. These analyses were performed for three different scenarios reflecting the changes in river flow, water level and water quality depending on the time of the year, in order to see the influence of seasonal variations. As a general result it can be said that for the case of Puerto Berrío there is no season where the conditions care for a wastewater discharge completely free of adverse effects, since either the flow or the water quality of the season does not favor the assimilation capacity of the water body.


Puerto Berrío es uno de los municipios de Colombia situados en la zona ribereña del río Magdalena, y al igual que en muchos otros, la descarga de aguas residuales se realiza directamente al río sin ser sometidas a ningún tratamiento previo y con consecuencias negativas tanto para el medio ambiente como para la población. Por medio de la modelación matemática, complementada con el análisis del índice de calidad del agua, se realizó la estimación de estos efectos. Cada una de las herramientas empleadas arrojó resultados relacionados con diferentes aspectos: el balance de oxígeno, la distribución de la pluma del contaminante y la influencia de otros contaminantes sobre la calidad del agua. Los análisis se realizaron para tres escenarios diferentes, con los cuales se buscó reflejar los efectos de las variaciones de caudal y calidad del cuerpo receptor durante el año. Como resultado general se puede decir que ninguna de los escenarios estudiados presenta las condiciones para que la descarga de aguas residuales se realice sin generar ningún efecto negativo, puesto que bien sea el caudal o la calidad del agua del cuerpo receptor desfavorecen su capacidad de asimilación.

Thesis Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
    1. Regional and local background
    2. Institutional framework
    3. Legal framework on water quality
  3. Water Quality System of Puerto Berrío
    1. Drinking water and wastewater management
      1. Drinking water supply system
      2. Sewer system
      3. Wastewater treatment plants
      4. Wastewater discharges
    2. Description of the receiving water body
      1. The Magdalena River Basin
      2. Water quality of the Magdalena River
      3. Longitudinal and seasonal variations in the Magdalena River
    3. River stretch characteristics
    4. River related activities in Puerto Berrío
  4. Estimation of local effects of wastewater discharge
    1. Problem identification
    2. Stream Water Quality Modeling
      1. Theory on stream water quality modeling
      2. Water quality modeling in the Magdalena River
      3. Water Quality Modeling Computer Aided Learning: WQM CAL
      4. Modeling the branch
    3. Water Quality Index
  5. Results and discussion
    1. BOD-DO model
    2. Transversal mixing model
    3. Water Quality Index
    4. High water season Vs. Low water season
    5. Possible improvements of the situation
      1. Wastewater treatment plant Lagunas
      2. Pipe extension: relocation of pipe outlet
  6. Conclusion
  7. Recommendations
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. References