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Línea 21: Línea 21:
##Identification of point sources
##Identification of point sources
##Description of the receiving water body
##Description of the receiving water body
##Interrelation community-river
##River related Activities
#[[Chapter 3. Estimation of local effects of wastewater discharge|Estimation of local effects of wastewater discharge]]
#[[Chapter 3. Estimation of local effects of wastewater discharge|Estimation of local effects of wastewater discharge]]
##River and Stream Water Quality Model QUAL2K  
##River and Stream Water Quality Model QUAL2K  

Revisión del 13:41 2 jul 2008

Melisa Estrada Uribe. 2008. Stream water quality modeling: assessing the effects of waste water discharge in Puerto Berrío, Colombia.

Master Thesis presented by Melisa Estrada to the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geo- and Environmental Sciences. Resources Engineering Study Programme, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany. April 2008. First supervisor: Prof. Erhard Hoffmann, IWG/SWW Second supervisor: Prof. Hermann Hahn, IWG/SWW.

Details on the Master Thesis Proposal

Thesis Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
    1. Regional and local background
    2. Institutional framework
    3. Legal framework on water quality
  3. Wastewater discharges and river water quality in Puerto Berrío
    1. Drinking Water and Wastewater management in Puerto Berrío
    2. Identification of point sources
    3. Description of the receiving water body
    4. River related Activities
  4. Estimation of local effects of wastewater discharge
    1. River and Stream Water Quality Model QUAL2K
      1. Introduction to QUAL2K
      2. System segmentation and location of pollution sources
      3. Model data requirements
      4. Model calibration and validation
      5. Generation of future scenarios by means of QUAL2K
    2. Causal diagram analysis
  5. Results and discussion
  6. Conclusion
  7. Recommendations
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. References