Chapter 3. Estimation of local effects of wastewater discharge
Revisión del 22:53 22 abr 2008 de Mestrada (discusión | contribuciones) (→River and Stream Water Quality Model QUAL2K)
River and Stream Water Quality Model QUAL2K
System segmentation and location of pollution sources
Section keywords: reach, element, segment, headwater, point sources, withdrawals
Expected product: graphical representation of the river stretch segmentation with numerical identification of reaches and elements and the location of point sources and withdrawals.
Model data requirements
Section keywords: headwater data, reach data, meteorological data, water column data, light and heat input, point and diffuse sources and withdrawals data, hydraulics, temperature and water quality data, diel data
Expected product: Table with data
Model calibration and validation
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Generation of future scenarios by means of QUAL2K
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Causal diagram analysis
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